Source code for torch_tools.models._conv_net_2d

"""2D CNN model which wraps Torchvision's ResNet and VGG models."""

from typing import Dict, Any, Optional

from torch import Tensor, set_grad_enabled
from torch.nn import Module, Sequential, Flatten, Conv2d

from torch_tools.models._argument_processing import process_num_feats
from torch_tools.models._torchvision_encoder_backbones_2d import get_backbone
from torch_tools.models._adaptive_pools_2d import get_adaptive_pool
from torch_tools.models._fc_net import FCNet

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments

[docs] class ConvNet2d(Module): """CNN model which wraps Torchvision's ResNet, VGG and Mobilenet_v3 models. The model contains: — An encoder, taken from Torchvision's ResNet/VGG models. — An adaptive pooling layer. — A fully-connected classification/regression head. Parameters ---------- out_feats : int The number of output features the model should produce (for example, the number of classes). in_channels : int Number of input channels the model should take. Warning: if you don't use three input channels, the first conv layer is overwritten, which renders freezing the encoder pointless. encoder_style : str, optional The encoder option to use. The encoders are loaded from torchvision's models. Options include all of torchvision's VGG, ResNET and MOBILENET v3 options (i.e. ``"vgg11"``, ``"vgg11_bn"``, ``"resnet18"``, ``mobilenet_v3_small`` etc.). pretrained : bool, optional Determines whether the encoder is initialised with Torchvision's pretrained weights. If ``True``, the model will load Torchvision's most up-to-date image-net-trained weights. pool_option : str, optional The type of adaptive pooling layer to use. Choose from ``"avg"``, ``"max"`` or ``"avg-max-concat"`` (the latter simply concatenates the former two). See ``torch_tools.models._adaptive_pools_2d`` for more info. fc_net_kwargs : Dict[str, Any], optional Keyword arguments for ``torch_tools.models.fc_net.FCNet`` which serves as the classification/regression part of the model. Examples -------- >>> from torch_tools import ConvNet2d >>> model = ConvNet2d(out_feats=512, in_channels=3, encoder_style="vgg11_bn", pretrained=True, pool_style="avg-max-concat", fc_net_kwargs={"hidden_sizes": (1024, 1024), "hidden_dropout": 0.25}) Another potentially useful feature is the ability to *freeze* the encoder, and take advantage of the available pretrained weights by doing transfer learning. >>> from torch import rand >>> from torch_tools import ConvNet2d >>> model = ConvNet2d(out_feats=10, pretrained=True) >>> # Batch of 10 fake three-channel images of 256x256 pixels >>> mini_batch = rand(10, 3, 256, 256) >>> # With the encoder frozen >>> preds = model(mini_batch, frozen_encoder=True) >>> # Without the encoder frozen (default behaviour) >>> preds = model(mini_batch, frozen_encoder=False) Notes ----- — Even if you load pretrained weights, but *don't* freeze the encoder, you will likely end up finding better performance than you would by randomly initialising the model—even if it doesn't make sense. Welcome to deep learning. — If you change the number of input channels, don't bother freezing the encoder—the first convolutional layer is overloaded and randomly initialised. — See ``torch_tools.models._conv_net_2d.ConvNet2d`` for more info. """ def __init__( self, out_feats: int, in_channels: int = 3, encoder_style: str = "resnet34", pretrained=True, pool_style: str = "avg-max-concat", fc_net_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Build `ConvNet2d`.""" super().__init__() self.backbone, num_feats, pool_size = get_backbone( encoder_style, pretrained=pretrained, ) self._replace_first_conv_if_necessary(process_num_feats(in_channels)) self.pool = Sequential( get_adaptive_pool(pool_style, pool_size), Flatten(), ) if fc_net_kwargs is not None: _forbidden_args_in_dn_kwargs(fc_net_kwargs) self._dn_args.update(fc_net_kwargs) self.dense_layers = FCNet( 2 * num_feats if pool_style == "avg-max-concat" else num_feats, process_num_feats(out_feats), **self._dn_args, ) _dn_args: Dict[str, Any] _dn_args = { "hidden_sizes": None, "input_bnorm": False, "hidden_bnorm": False, "input_dropout": 0.0, "hidden_dropout": 0.0, "negative_slope": 0.2, } def _replace_first_conv_if_necessary(self, in_channels: int): """Replace the first conv layer if input channels don't match. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int The number of input channels requested by the user. """ for _, module in self.backbone.named_children(): if isinstance(module, Conv2d): config = _conv_config(module) if config["in_channels"] != in_channels: config["in_channels"] = in_channels setattr(self.backbone, _, Conv2d(**config)) # type:ignore break
[docs] def forward(self, batch: Tensor, frozen_encoder: bool = False) -> Tensor: """Pass `batch` through the model. Parameters ---------- batch : Tensor A mini-batch of inputs with shape (N, C, H, W), where N is the batch-size, C the number of channels and (H, W) the input size. frozen_encoder : bool, optional If ``True``, the gradients are disabled in the encoder. If ``False``, the gradients are enabled in the encoder. Returns ------- Tensor The result of passing ``batch`` through the model. """ with set_grad_enabled(not frozen_encoder): encoder_out = self.backbone(batch) pool_out = self.pool(encoder_out) return self.dense_layers(pool_out)
[docs] def get_features(self, batch: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Return the features produced by the encoder and pool. Parameters ---------- batch : Tensor A mini-batch of image-like inputs. Returns ------- Tensor The encoded features for the items in ``batch``. """ encoder_out = self.backbone(batch) return self.pool(encoder_out)
def _conv_config(conv: Conv2d) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary with the `conv`'s instantiation arguments. Parameters ---------- conv : Conv2d Two-dimensional convolutional layer. """ return { "in_channels": conv.in_channels, "out_channels": conv.out_channels, "kernel_size": conv.kernel_size, "stride": conv.stride, "padding": conv.padding, "dilation": conv.dilation, "groups": conv.groups, "bias": not conv.bias is None, "padding_mode": conv.padding_mode, } def _forbidden_args_in_dn_kwargs(user_dn_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): """Check there are no forbidden arguments in ``user_dn_kwargs``. Parameters ---------- user_dn_kwargs : Dict[str, Any] The dense net kwargs supplied by the user. Raises ------ RuntimeError If ``in_feats`` is in ``self._dn_args``, the user has tried to set the number of input features to the fully connected final layer, which is forbidden. RuntimeError If ``out_feats`` is in ``self._dn_args``, the user has tried to set the number of input features to the fully connected final layer, which is forbidden. """ if "in_feats" in user_dn_kwargs: msg = "Do not supply 'in_feats' in 'fc_net_kwargs'. This " msg += "quantity is determined by the choice of encoder." raise RuntimeError(msg) if "out_feats" in user_dn_kwargs: msg = "Do not supply 'out_feats' in 'fc_net_kwargs'. Instead " msg += "set this quanitiy using the 'out_feats' argument of " msg += "'ConvNet2d' at instantiation." raise RuntimeError(msg)