Source code for torch_tools.models._encoder_2d

"""Two-dimensional convolutional encoder moder."""

from typing import List, Optional

from torch.nn import Sequential, Module

from torch_tools.models._blocks_2d import DownBlock, DoubleConvBlock
from torch_tools.models._blocks_2d import ConvResBlock

from torch_tools.models._argument_processing import (

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments

[docs] class Encoder2d(Sequential): """Encoder model for image-like inputs. A ``DoubleConvBlock`` which produces ``start_features`` features, followed by ``num_blocks - 1`` ``DownBlock`` blocks. The ``DoubleConvBlock`` preserves the input's height and width, while each ``DownBlock`` halves the spatial dimensions and doubles the number of channels. Parameters ---------- in_chans : int The number of input channels the encoder should take. start_features : int The number of features the first conv block should produce. num_blocks : int The number of downsampling blocks in the encoder. pool_style : str The type of pooling to use when downsampling (``"avg"`` or ``"max"``). lr_slope : float The negative slope argument to use in the ``LeakyReLU`` layers. kernel_size : int Size of the square convolutional kernel to use in the ``Conv2d`` layers. Should be a positive, odd, int. max_features, optional In each of the down-sampling blocks, the numbers of features is doubled. Optionally supplying ``max_features`` places a limit on this. block_style : str, optional Style of encoding block to use: ``"conv_block"`` or ``"conv_res"``. dropout : float, optional The dropout probability to apply at the output of each block. Examples -------- >>> from torch_tools import Encoder2d >>> model = Encoder2d( in_chans=3, start_features=64, num_blocks=4, pool_style="max", lr_slope=0.123, kernel_size=3, max_feats=512, ) """ def __init__( self, in_chans: int, start_features: int, num_blocks: int, pool_style: str, lr_slope: float, kernel_size: int, max_feats: Optional[int] = None, block_style: str = "double_conv", dropout: float = 0.0, ): """Build `Encoder`.""" super().__init__( self._get_single_block( process_num_feats(in_chans), process_num_feats(start_features), process_negative_slope_arg(lr_slope), process_2d_kernel_size(kernel_size), process_2d_block_style_arg(block_style), process_dropout_prob(dropout), ), *self._get_blocks( process_num_feats(start_features), process_u_architecture_layers(num_blocks), process_str_arg(pool_style), process_negative_slope_arg(lr_slope), process_2d_kernel_size(kernel_size), process_2d_block_style_arg(block_style), process_dropout_prob(dropout), process_optional_feats_arg(max_feats), ), ) _start_feats_size_check(start_features, max_feats) def _get_single_block( self, in_chans: int, start_features: int, negative_slope: float, kernel_size: int, block_style: str, dropout: float, ) -> Module: """Get the first convolutional block. Parameters ---------- in_chans : int The number of input channels the block should take. start_features : int The number of output channels the block should yield. negative_slope : float Negative slope argument in the ``LeakyReLU``s. kernel_size : int Length of the square convolutional kernel. block_style : str What kind of block should we use (see class docstring)? dropout : float, optional Dropout probability to apply at the output. Returns ------- block : Module Either a ``DoubleConvBlock`` or ``ConvResBlock``. """ if block_style == "double_conv": block: Module = DoubleConvBlock( in_chans, start_features, negative_slope, kernel_size=kernel_size, dropout=dropout, ) else: block = ConvResBlock( in_chans, start_features, negative_slope, kernel_size=kernel_size, dropout=dropout, ) return block def _get_blocks( self, in_chans: int, num_blocks, pool_style: str, lr_slope: float, kernel_size: int, block_style: str, dropout: float, max_feats: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[DownBlock]: """Get the encoding layers in a sequential. Parameters ---------- in_chans : int The number of input channels. num_blocks : int The number of blocks in the encoder. pool_style : str The pool style to use when downsampling (``"avg"`` or ``"max"``). lr_slope : float The negative slope to use in the ``LeakyReLU`` layers. kernel_size : int Size of the square convolutional kernel to use in the ``Conv2d`` layers. Should be a positive, odd, int. block_style : str The style of the encoding block to use. dropout : float Dropout probability to apply at each block's output. max_feats : int, optional Optional limit on the maximum number of features the down blocks can produce. Returns ------- List[DownBlock] A list of the model's blocks. """ chans = in_chans blocks = [] for _ in range(num_blocks - 1): in_chans, out_chans = chans, chans * 2 if max_feats is not None: in_chans = min(in_chans, max_feats) out_chans = min(out_chans, max_feats) blocks.append( DownBlock( in_chans, out_chans, pool_style, lr_slope, block_style=block_style, kernel_size=kernel_size, dropout=dropout, ) ) chans *= 2 return blocks
def _start_feats_size_check(start_feats: int, max_feats: Optional[int] = None): """Check ``start_feats`` does not exceed ``max_feats``, if supplied. Parameters ---------- start_feats : int The number of features the first block should produce. max_feats : int, optional Maximum number of down features requested. Raises ------ ValueError If ``start_feats`` is greater than ``max_feats``. """ if (max_feats is not None) and (start_feats > max_feats): msg = f"'start_features' '{start_feats}' cannot exceed " msg += f"'max_feats' '{max_feats}'." raise ValueError(msg)