Source code for torch_tools.models._variational_autoencoder_2d

"""2D convolutional variational autoencoder."""

from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional

from torch import (  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

from torch.nn import Module, Sequential, Conv2d

from torch_tools.models._encoder_2d import Encoder2d
from torch_tools.models._decoder_2d import Decoder2d

# from torch_tools.models._decoder_2d import Decoder2d
from torch_tools.models._fc_net import FCNet

from torch_tools.models._argument_processing import (
from torch_tools.models._blocks_2d import DoubleConvBlock

[docs] class VAE2d(Module): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """2D convolutional variational autoencoder. Parameters ---------- in_chans : int The number of input channels the model should take. out_chans : int The number of output channels the model should produce. input_dims : Tuple[int, int] The ``(height, width)`` of the input images (only necessary if ``mean_var_nets == "linear"``). start_features : int, optional The number of features the first double conv block should produce. num_layers : int, optional The number of layers in the U-like architecture. down_pool : str, optional The type of pooling to use in the down-sampling layers: ``"avg"`` or ``"max"``. bilinear : bool, optional If ``True``, we use bilinear interpolation in the upsampling. If ``False``, we use ``ConvTranspose2d``. lr_slope : float, optional Negative slope to use in the leaky relu layers. kernel_size : int, optional Linear size of the square convolutional kernels to use. max_down_feats : int, optional Upper limit on the number of features that can be produced by the down-sampling blocks. min_up_feats : int, optional Minimum number of features the up-sampling blocks can produce. block_style : str Block style to use in the down and up blocks. mean_var_net : str The style of the networks for which learn the mean and variances: ``"linear"`` or ``"conv"``. dropout : float, optional Dropout probability to apply at the output of the convolutional blocks. """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments self, in_chans: int, out_chans: int, input_dims: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, start_features: int = 64, num_layers: int = 4, down_pool: str = "max", bilinear: bool = False, lr_slope: float = 0.1, kernel_size: int = 3, max_down_feats: Optional[int] = None, min_up_feats: Optional[int] = None, block_style: str = "double_conv", mean_var_nets: str = "linear", dropout: float = 0.25, ): """Build ``VAE2d``.""" super().__init__() self.encoder = Encoder2d( in_chans=process_num_feats(in_chans), start_features=process_num_feats(start_features), num_blocks=process_u_architecture_layers(num_layers), pool_style=process_str_arg(down_pool), lr_slope=process_negative_slope_arg(lr_slope), kernel_size=process_2d_kernel_size(kernel_size), max_feats=process_optional_feats_arg(max_down_feats), block_style=block_style, dropout=process_dropout_prob(dropout), ) self._latent_chans, self._latent_feats = _latent_sizes( start_features, num_layers, process_input_dims(input_dims), max_down_feats, ) self._input_dim_mean_var_net_check(input_dims, mean_var_nets) self._mean_var_style = mean_var_nets self._mean_var_funcs = { "linear": self._mean_logvar_linear, "conv": self._mean_logvar_conv, } self.mean_net = self._mean_or_var_net(lr_slope, kernel_size) self.var_net = self._mean_or_var_net(lr_slope, kernel_size) self.decoder = Decoder2d( in_chans=self._latent_chans, out_chans=process_num_feats(out_chans), num_blocks=num_layers, bilinear=bilinear, lr_slope=lr_slope, kernel_size=kernel_size, min_up_feats=min_up_feats, block_style=block_style, dropout=process_dropout_prob(dropout), ) def _input_dim_mean_var_net_check( self, input_dims: Union[Tuple[int, int], None], mean_var_nets: str, ): """Check ``input_dims`` and ``mean_var_nets`` compatibility. Parameters ---------- input_dims : Tuple[int, int] or None The size of the input image. mean_var_nets : str The style of the mean/variance nets. """ msg = "``input_dims`` should be ``None`` if ``mean_var_nets`` is " msg += "``''conv'`` and ``Tuple[int, int]`` if ``mean_var_nets`` is " msg += f"``'linear'``. Got '{mean_var_nets}' and '{input_dims}'." if mean_var_nets == "linear" and (not isinstance(input_dims, tuple)): raise ValueError(msg) if mean_var_nets == "conv" and (not isinstance(input_dims, type(None))): raise ValueError(msg) def _mean_or_var_net( self, lr_slope: float, kernel_size: int, ) -> Module: """Return a model for calculating the mean or variance. Parameters ---------- lr_slope : float The negative slope aregument in the leaky relus. kernel_size : int The size of the kernel in the convolutional layers, Returns ------- Module A network for learning the mean or standard deviation. Raises ------ ValueError If ``mean_var_style`` is not ``"conv"`` or ``"linear"``. """ if self._mean_var_style == "conv": return Sequential( DoubleConvBlock( in_chans=process_num_feats(self._latent_chans), out_chans=process_num_feats(self._latent_chans), lr_slope=process_negative_slope_arg(lr_slope), kernel_size=process_2d_kernel_size(kernel_size), ), Conv2d( in_channels=process_num_feats(self._latent_chans), out_channels=process_num_feats(self._latent_chans), kernel_size=1, stride=1, ), ) if self._mean_var_style == "linear": return FCNet( in_feats=process_num_feats(self._latent_feats), # type: ignore out_feats=process_num_feats(self._latent_feats), # type: ignore ) msg = f"mean_var_style '{self._mean_var_style}' not recognised. Choose" msg += " from 'conv' or 'linear'." raise ValueError(msg) def _mean_logvar_conv(self, features: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Estimate the mean and logvar vector. Parameters ---------- features : Tensor Raw features from the encoders. Returns ------- mean : Tensor The means. logvar : Tensor The logarithm of the variance. """ mean = self.mean_net(features) logvar = self.var_net(features) return mean, logvar def _mean_logvar_linear(self, features: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Estimate the mean and logvar vector. Parameters ---------- features : Tensor Raw features from the encoders. Returns ------- mean : Tensor The means. logvar : Tensor The logarithm of the variance. """ restore_shape = features.shape[1:] features = flatten(features, start_dim=1) mean, logvar = self.mean_net(features), self.var_net(features) # Restore shapes features = unflatten(features, dim=1, sizes=restore_shape) mean = unflatten(mean, dim=1, sizes=restore_shape) logvar = unflatten(logvar, dim=1, sizes=restore_shape) return mean, logvar
[docs] def get_features(self, means: Tensor, logvar: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Get the features using the reparam trick. Parameters ---------- means : Tensor The feature means. logvar : Tensor The log variance. Returns ------- Tensor The feature dist. """ return means + (randn_like(means) * (0.5 * logvar).exp())
[docs] @staticmethod def kl_divergence(means: Tensor, log_var: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Compute the KL divergence between the dists and a unit normal. Parameters ---------- means : Tensor Samples from the mean distributions. log_var : Tensor The logarithm of the variances. Returns ------- Tensor Kullback-Leibler divergence between the feature dists and unit normals. """ return -0.5 * (-log_var.exp() - means**2.0 + 1.0 + (log_var)).mean()
[docs] def encode( self, batch: Tensor, frozen_encoder: bool, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Encode the inputs in ``batch``. Parameters ---------- batch : Tensor Mini-batch of inputs. frozen_encoder : bool Shoould the encoder's weights be frozen, or not? Returns ------- feats : Tensor The encoded features. Tensor The KL divergence between the features and N(0, 1). """ with set_grad_enabled(not frozen_encoder): encoder_feats = self.encoder(batch) mean, log_var = self._mean_var_funcs[self._mean_var_style](encoder_feats) feats = self.get_features(mean, log_var) return feats, self.kl_divergence(mean, log_var)
[docs] def decode( self, features: Tensor, frozen_decoder: bool, ) -> Tensor: """Decode the latent ``features``. Parameters ---------- features : Tensor VA-encoded features. frozen_decoder : bool Should the decoder's weights be frozen, or not? Returns ------- Tensor The decoded ``features``. """ with set_grad_enabled(not frozen_decoder): return self.decoder(features)
[docs] def forward( self, batch: Tensor, frozen_encoder: bool = False, frozen_decoder: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """Pass ``batch`` through the model. Parameters ---------- batch : Tensor A mini-batch of image-like inputs. frozen_encoder : bool, optional Should the encoder's parameters be fixed? frozen_decoder : bool, optional Should the decoder's weights be fixed? Returns ------- decoded : Tensor The predicted version of ``batch``. kl_div : Tensor The KL divergence between ``features`` and N(0, 1). """ features, kl_div = self.encode(batch, frozen_encoder) decoded = self.decode(features, frozen_decoder) return decoded, kl_div
def _latent_sizes( start_features: int, num_blocks: int, input_dims: Union[Tuple[int, int], None], max_feats: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the size of the features produced by the encoder. Parameters ---------- start_features : int The number features produced by the first block in the encoder. num_blocks : int The number of blocks in one half of the U-like architecture. input_dims : Tuple[int, int] or None The spatial dimensions of the model's inputs. max_feats : int, optional The maximum number of features allowed. Returns ------- latent_chans : int The number of channels the image-like representation has after it is encoded. latent_feats : int The total number of features in the latent space after encoding. If the mean and var nets are linear, this is the number of channels. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of features would be reduced to zero because ``input_dims`` is too small for the number of layers. """ latent_chans = start_features for _ in range(num_blocks - 1): if max_feats is None: latent_chans *= 2 else: latent_chans = min(max_feats, latent_chans * 2) if input_dims is None: latent_feats = latent_chans else: in_height, in_width = input_dims factor = 2 ** (num_blocks - 1) out_height = in_height / factor out_width = in_width / factor if (out_height % 1 != 0) or (out_width % 1 != 0): msg = f"Image dims '{(in_height, in_width)}' can't be halved {num_blocks - 1} times." raise ValueError(msg) latent_feats = int(out_height) * int(out_width) * latent_chans if latent_feats == 0: raise ValueError(f"{input_dims} too small for number of layers.") return latent_chans, latent_feats