Source code for torch_tools.torch_utils

"""PyTorch utilities."""
from itertools import chain

import torch
from torch import (  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

from torch.nn import Module

[docs] def target_from_mask_img(mask_img: Tensor, num_classes: int) -> Tensor: """Convert 1-channel image to a target tensor for semantic segmentation. Parameters ---------- mask_img : Tensor An image holding the segmentation mask. Should be on [0, num_classes) with shape ``(H, W)``, where ``H`` is the image height and ``W`` the width. Returns ------- Tensor Target Tensor of shape ``(num_classes, H, W)``. Each element, ``target[:, i, j]`` is a one-hot-encoded vector. Raises ------ TypeError If ``mask_img`` is not a ``Tensor``. TypeError If ``num_classes`` is not an ``int``. ValueError If any of the values in ``mask_img`` cannot be cast as int. ValueError If ``num_classes < 2``. ValueError If ``mask_img`` has values less than zero, or greater than/equal to ``num_classes``. RuntimeError If ``mask_img`` is not two-dimensional. """ if not isinstance(mask_img, Tensor): msg = f"'mask_img' should be a Tensor. Got {type(mask_img)}." raise TypeError(msg) if not isinstance(num_classes, int): msg = f"'num_classes' should be an int. Got {type(num_classes)}." raise TypeError(msg) if not (mask_img % 1 == 0).all(): msg = "'mask_img' values should have no remainder when dividing by " msg += f"1. Got values '{mask_img.unique()}'." raise ValueError(msg) if num_classes < 2: msg = "There should be a minimum of two classes (foreground and " msg += f"background). Got '{num_classes}'." raise ValueError(msg) if mask_img.min() < 0 or mask_img.max() >= num_classes: msg = f"'mask_img' values should be on [0, {num_classes}). Got " msg += f"values on [{mask_img.min()}, {mask_img.max()}]." raise ValueError(msg) if mask_img.dim() != 2: msg = f"'mask_img' should have two dimensions. Got {mask_img.dim()}." raise RuntimeError(msg) return eye(num_classes)[mask_img.long()].permute(2, 0, 1)
def _img_batch_check(img_batch: Tensor): """Run checks on ``img_batch``. Parameters ---------- img_batch : Tensor A mini-batch of image-like. Raises ------ TypeError If mini-batch is not a ``Tensor``. RuntimeError If ``img_batch`` is not four-dimensional. """ if not isinstance(img_batch, Tensor): msg = f"'img_batch' should be Tensor. Got '{type(img_batch)}'." raise TypeError(msg) if not img_batch.dim() == 4: msg = f"'img_batch' should be 4D. Got '{img_batch.dim()}' dimensions." raise RuntimeError(msg) def _patch_size_check(img_batch: Tensor, patch_size: int): """Run checks on ``patch_size``. Parameters ---------- img_batch : Tensor A mini-batch of images. patch_size : int Size of the square mini-patches to split the images into. Raises ------ TypeError If ``patch_size`` is not an int. ValueError If ``patch_size <= 0``. ValueError If ``patch_size`` does evenly divide the image height or width. """ if not isinstance(patch_size, int): msg = f"'patch_size' should be int. Got '{type(patch_size)}'." raise TypeError(msg) if patch_size <= 0: msg = f"'patch_size' should exceed zero. Got '{patch_size}'." raise ValueError(msg) _, _, height, width = img_batch.shape if (height % patch_size != 0) or (width % patch_size != 0): msg = f"'patch_size' '{patch_size}' should divide image height and " msg += f"width '{(height, width)}'." raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def patchify_img_batch(img_batch: Tensor, patch_size: int) -> Tensor: """Turn ``img_batch`` into a collection of patches. Note: gradient flow works through this function. Parameters ---------- img : Tensor Convert ``img_batch`` into a batch of sub-patches. Should have size ``(N, C, H, W)``, where ``N`` is the batch size, ``C`` is the number of channels, ``H`` is the image height and ``W`` the width. patch_size : int Size of the square patches to break the images in ``img_batch`` into. Returns ------- Tensor ``img_batch`` as a collection of small patches. The returned ``Tensor`` has size ``(N * H / patch_size * W / patch_size, C, patch_size, patch_size)``. For example: using a batch of 10 RGB images of size 16x16, and a patch size of 4, will return a ``Tensor`` of shape ``(160, 3, 4, 4)``. """ _img_batch_check(img_batch) _patch_size_check(img_batch, patch_size) _, channels, _, _ = img_batch.shape unfolded = ( concat(list(img_batch), dim=1) .unfold(0, channels, channels) .unfold(1, patch_size, patch_size) .unfold(2, patch_size, patch_size) ) unfolded_list = list(chain(*chain(*unfolded))) return concat(list(map(lambda x: x.unsqueeze(0), unfolded_list)), dim=0)
[docs] def img_batch_dims_power_of_2(batch: Tensor): """Check height and width of ``batch`` are powers of 2. Parameters ---------- batch : Tensor A mini-batch of image-like inputs. Raises ------ TypeError If ``batch`` is not a ``Tensor``. RuntimeError If ``batch`` does not have four dimensions. RuntimeError If the ``batch``'s images' heights are not a power of 2. RuntimeError If the ``batch``'s images' heights are not a power of 2. """ if not isinstance(batch, Tensor): raise TypeError(f"'batch' should be a 'Tensor'. Got '{type(batch)}'.") if not batch.dim() == 4: msg = f"Mini-batch of images should have 4 dims. Got '{batch.dim()}'." raise RuntimeError(msg) _, _, height, width = batch.shape if (log2(as_tensor(height)) % 1) != 0: msg = "Mini-batch of image-like's height should be power of 2. Got " msg += f"'{height}'." raise RuntimeError(msg) if (log2(as_tensor(width)) % 1) != 0: msg = "Mini-batch of image-like's width should be power of 2. Got " msg += f"'{width}'." raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def disable_biases(model: Module): """Disable all ``bias`` parameters in model. Parameters ---------- model : Module The model to disable biases in. """ if not isinstance(model, Module): msg = "'disable_biases' function should only be applied to " msg += f"'torch.nn.Module'. Got '{type(model)}'." raise TypeError(msg) if hasattr(model, "bias"): model.bias = None # type: ignore
[docs] def total_image_variation( img_batch: Tensor, mean_reduce: bool = True, ) -> Tensor: """Compute the total variation of ``img_batch``. Parameters ---------- img_batch : Tensor A mini-batch of image-like inputs. mean_reduce : bool, optional If ``True``, the returned value is normalised by the number of elements in ``img_batch``. If ``False``, no division is performed. Returns ------- Tensor The total variation measure. Raises ------ TypeError If ``img_batch`` is not a ``Tensor``. TypeError If ``mean_reduce`` is not a ``bool``. RuntimeError If ``img_batch`` is not a 4D ``Tensor``. Notes ----- Heavily inspired by the TensorFlow code: """ if not isinstance(img_batch, Tensor): msg = f"'img_batch' should be 'Tensor', got {type(img_batch)}." raise TypeError(msg) if not isinstance(mean_reduce, bool): msg = f"'mean_reduce' should be 'bool', got {type(mean_reduce)}." raise TypeError(msg) if not img_batch.ndim == 4: msg = f"'img_batch' should be 4D, but got {img_batch.ndim}D instead." raise RuntimeError(msg) row = torch.abs(img_batch[:, :, 1:, :] - img_batch[:, :, :-1, :]).sum() col = torch.abs(img_batch[:, :, :, 1:] - img_batch[:, :, :, :-1]).sum() total = (row + col).sum() return total / img_batch.numel() if mean_reduce is True else total